Well I have done quite a lot of stuff. I probably need to change our team page and our game demo. I have accomplished so many things like make the rabbit move and made the carrot move and I have done some timeline effects on a square, rectangle, and circle. Well there are a lot of things that I have done but I probably won't be able to name them all. You can go to our team page ................................. myglife.org
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Demo for 8th Grade
Well,,,, We presented our game demo Wednesday and we learned a little bit of stuff that we could change or add. Most of the stuff was O.K. but we misspelled a couple of words, but other things are O.K. I think that the next time we have our REAL demo it will be O.K. You can go to.........myglife.org
to look at my projects page.
to look at my projects page.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Well I have learned more about my game topic now than what I did before we did the game demo!!!!! I have learned that while doing the demo that there is alot of work to do in our gmae than what I thought about. If I could talk to the journalists or anybody I would ask them if their information is accurate. I don't think that I have took it in my owns hands. Well hope you enjoy our game. I got this pic from........ google.com
Friday, November 19, 2010
Adding Sound
I plan to use sound in my game because we have a carnival game and we plan to put carnival music in our game to make it like you are right there in the game.
This picture came from................
It will help enhance the game play because it makes you feel like you are right there play the game in real life. It will help the learning experience because I think that listening to music help you concentrate on you work.
This video came from......... http://www.viddler.com/explore/hawaii/videos/76/
Hope you like our game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
How I used Flash This Year!!!!!
We have done a lot of stuff this year and the thing that I like the most is Flash. In flash you can make games, chose colors for your wiki page. I love flash cause you can do a whole lot of stuff on it. I like flash because it is cool. What I don't like about flash is that it has a lot of codes that you have to have!!!!! So I will try to learn all the codes that I need to know!!!!!!!! You can go to my page and see the flash that I have done!!!!!http://www.myglife.org/usa/wv/srmswiki/index.php/User:Ak09
Friday, November 5, 2010
Adding Animation
Well, this time we are doing adding animation!!!! Here is a video of adding animation. This makes it stand out to me because I like the birds and circle stands out!!!!!!!!!
This video came from viddler.com
This video came from viddler.com
The picture came from...............http://www.tuxpaint.org/gallery/antonis/BOOM.png
Friday, October 29, 2010
What have I accomplished in Globaloria Class so far!!!!! 10/29/10
I have accomplished so far in Globaloria so is mini game project, making the bunny move started on my game. I have succeeded in making the bunny move and started on my game and I made my dart move and made the dart boards buttons. I would like to learn how to make a score board work right and to make a game that people would like play and to make a game that is fuctional. I hope that we make a good game this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got this picture from................. http://www.google.com/imgres imgurl=http://dudleydoright.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/ready-for-school-pic1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://dudleydoright.wordpress.com/2008/07/30/gwinnett-county-school-is-about-to-start/&usg=__suKso1lr6lCTYX9WKjUfoG1TxA8=&h=1070&w=1070&sz=57&hl=en&start=0&sig2=kFoCgYq-KFtF9dPJN-fmtA&zoom=1&tbnid=qNXenf0ceBfyQM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=111&ei=0uXKTJPoLMGqlAeG_9H6AQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkids%2Bat%2Bschool%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D606%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=724&vpy=152&dur=265&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=125&ty=115&oei=jOXKTNvMAYH98Aao8Z2DAQ&esq=3&page=1&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0
Friday, October 15, 2010
Adding Scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are taking carnival theme and making the chance game out of it!!!! We used carnival theme because you use chances to make a aim for darts and balloons and milk bottles. We played "Animal Rescue" and Amazing Math!!!!!! They hove influenced our game because we are doing math and a lot of the games are math so we kind of got some ideas.
Hope you like our game!!!!
Hope you like our game!!!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
About My Game Scene!!!!!!!!!!
A new concept that I have learned about in my game topic since I have started this course is.......... that we have to do the game of chance and we can't do the quiz game. I come to learn this by math class and resources. This news and resources especially informative and trustworthy because we have done this math concept on online.carnegielearning.com in math class. So I know what this game of chance is!!!!!!! So when our game is done,,,,, I hope you like it.
This pictures come from......... http://wapreview.com/images/RoadsideCarnival.jpg
Friday, September 24, 2010
What I have done In Imaging Your Game!!!
We are in the STEM category this year. Our topic is game of chance. We have decided to do carnival theme. Our genre is going to be adventure. Our game is going to have milk bottles, darts, and popping the balloons. We are going to ask the students questions of chance and they have to guess what it is. When they answer it right then they win the round. After that, they will have about 2-3 more rounds. After they win those rounds then they win the game. We hope to start our game soon. These are our game ideas, genre, and topic. We hope you like everything.
I am most excited about making our game because it will be fun to do and let the kids play it!!!!
Here is the website to my page......
Hope you like our game soon
Friday, September 10, 2010
My Topic I Chose!!!!!!!!!!!
Well,,,,,, my name is Angel. I am in the 8th grade Globaloria class. We are doing math this year! I think the links will help me with this topic because it will help me to find the answer to my questions. I have three links to help me with this years topic. One link is..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recreational_mathematics another link is...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math and the last link is...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics_education
This picture on the right came from ... www.youthserviceslitigation.com/.../day-care/
So I hope that this year will be a good year and that I make a great game!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
What genre am I going to use?!?
Well,,,, as you may know this class is making a game. The genre that I am thinking about using is action or strategy. I like using the genre ACTION because I like to move and solve a lot of things in a game!!!! I like to use STRATEGY because I like to use my head in a lot of games. I got this picture from.... http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&source=imghp&q=kids+playing+video+games&gbv=2&aq=o&aqi=g1g-m1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&safe=active I got this picture at..........http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.ehow.com/images/a05/qc/mv/fun-flash-games-kids-1.1-120X120.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ehow.com/list_6107871_fun-flash-games-kids.html&usg=__BNioEWxe562kCvcy9nrVaaVkDgI=&h=120&w=120&sz=9&hl=en&start=31&sig2=mxPQ5t1zImVqW_3AmHYlUw&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Ox0kSEn8sQ3mpM:&tbnh=88&tbnw=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkids%2Bplaying%2Bflash%2Bgames%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=4AuBTI7jFoOC8gbqmJFY. So I hope that we have a great school year and make a good game!!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
The New Year!!!!!!
Well, it a new year for us, and a lot of things has changed. For example, the Globaloria class. Last year we did civics and this year we are doing math.What I would want to learn is how to make the game more challenging for the grade that I am making the game for. I hope that they will understand the game and it fits the grade level. What I already know, I can apply it to the things that I will learn. I hope this year will be as fun as last year!!! You can go to my page and look at what it looks like this year!!!!http://myglife.org/usa/wv/srmswiki/index.php/User:Ak09
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Who's Blog I Commented On??????????
I commented on 2 blogs. One of the blogs that I commented on is Matt and he told how he had got the score board on the game and what else he has to accomplish. Matt is from http://www.myglife.org/usa/wv/gehswiki/index.php/User:Matticus. The second blog I commented on is Stacy. She is from http://www.myglife.org/usa/wv/oghswiki/index.php/User:Sjmiller. So those are the blogs I commented on!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What is Hard and What is Not?????
The function concept that is the hardest to teach in my game is Secretary of War. I think it is diffulcult to teach because it is the civilian head of the U.S. War Department which is responsible to the President for the organization, maintenance, equipment, and operations of the U.S. Army. My game teaches this concept to upper elementary and lower middle school because the children probably don't know this concept. I think that the kids need to learn this concept so if they go to collage and they want to be teacher then they will know about the Secretary of War. So when our game is done I hope that you will love our game and that you will learn something about the Secretary of War!!!! I got the picture at...... blogs.theage.com.au/schembri/archives/2008/03/. You can go to http://wikipeda.com
Thursday, April 15, 2010
How Do I Feel??????
Well...........the way I feel is that if I don't think that something is right, then I have to use resources to help me find out if it is true or not.It is really hard to tell if something is true or not!!!!!!!!! Like CNN it has a lot of things that they tell you but if you don't know then you will believe anything.But if you research and know that they are wrong you can tell them that you don't believe that. The advice that I have for other students is if someone tells you something that you are not sure of you can research or ask you parents.I got this picture at......... http://artofthebiz.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/newspaper.jpg Three good websites that you can go to is.......http://www.google.com,,,, and http://wikipedia.org and http://ask.com
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Which Game Did I Pick???????
The game I chose to blog about is On the Moon . The school they are from is RTC . (It is Randolph Technical Center!!!) I picked this game because I thought it would be good to tell about the different kinds of government!!! The creaters of this game is,,, Alexasanders and Mwebley. I thought that this game would be good for someone who don't know the different kinds of government so they can learn!!! I also think that if they made the game more challenging then it would be a very interesting game for me to play!!!!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Function Blog 3-25-10
The game I have chosen to blog about is Supreme Basketball. The creators is Heather and Cassie. Their team page name is Tigers. They are from SRMS school I chosen the game because I thought that it could teach about the rights to have a freedom of expression. Without the freedom of expression then we would go around wearing white T-shirts all the time!!!! So I think that their game was a good game to write about for the subject of freedom of expression. I think that the game is going to be fun because it teaches about the Supreme Court and you also get to play basketball. So that is why I picked their game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
What About My Game???????????
Well,,,,,What I decided to do was the power point!!! I did it because I think we got most of our ideas from the power point when we made it!!!!! Our power point had a lot of our ideas about our game. Our power point says a lot of stuff about what is going to be in our game!!!!! This screen shot was taken at,,, http://myglife.org/usa/wv/srmswiki/index.php/User:Ak09 go to my team page and you will find our power point. I think our power point was the most helpful use to help us to know what our game is going to be about!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
About the Secetary of State!!!
Well...........The presidents' cabinet is the officers of the excutive branch and the federal goverment of The United States. The Cabinet includes 15 excutive departments and the Vice President.http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet The Excutive branch does a lot of stuff like, carry the laws out, they neither enforce the law or make the law. Also the purpose of the Excetive Branch is to enforce the laws the Congress passes. The cabinet has weekly meetings.http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_executive_branch_of_the_US_government_doSecrectary of State is the head of the United States Deperment of State, The Secretary of the Treasury is the head of the United States Department of the Treasury.The purpose of the Secretary of State is the specific powers of this offices depend on the constitution and laws of the state but they often include responsibility for looking over the votes within the state!!!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State
Monday, March 8, 2010
About My Game Presentation!!!!!!
Well,,,,,,,a couple of weeks ago we had our game presentations and I think that Amber and I (Angel) did a good job on the presentations. I learned that we could change our name and make the game a little more interesting.We are going to change the name. It helped me learn that I could make the game more fun and that the game should be made to be about a person from another country that wants to have a war and he comes to the president of the U.S.A. to see if he wants to have a war. We narrowed the topic by making the name The Tresurey than The Messenger. Me and Amber are focusing on the Branches of Government. Our name is going to be The Tresurey. We have also been working on fixing the scenes and putting them together. So after been very nervous I really think that the presentations went good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
What Is My Game??????????
Well....my name is Angel and my name of the game is The Messengers!!!!! Our game is in the Function category. Our game is a function because it tells about the president and about the branches of government! The link to the function Community page is....................... http://sites.google.com/site/civicsgamecompetition/function-1. The game teaches about the president and the branches of government!!! Well I hope when our game is done that you like the game!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
What Is Plagiarism?
What really is plagiarism? Plagiarism is when you take someone else work and you don't give them credit for them.
The copyright law is when someone writes something and you try to use it is safe by the copyright law so if you use their words or pictures they can take you to court.
Things that are protected by copyright is books, music, drama works, motion pics, and sound recording.Ect.
Things that are NOT protected by copyright is titles, names, slogans, and ideas.Ect.
A public domain is works that can be used without permission.
BUT you still need to give the source. Here is a link that you can go to, to find what is copyright and public domian and plagiarism. http://www.cyberbee.com/cb_copyright.swf
The copyright law is when someone writes something and you try to use it is safe by the copyright law so if you use their words or pictures they can take you to court.
Things that are protected by copyright is books, music, drama works, motion pics, and sound recording.Ect.
Things that are NOT protected by copyright is titles, names, slogans, and ideas.Ect.
A public domain is works that can be used without permission.
BUT you still need to give the source. Here is a link that you can go to, to find what is copyright and public domian and plagiarism. http://www.cyberbee.com/cb_copyright.swf
So if you see anybody else's work on the internet and you would like to use it, just put it in your own words so it won't be copyright.That way you won't get in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
What Is My New Year's Resolution In Globaloria Class???????
My New Year's resolution in Globaloria Class is to get my game done before the due date!!!!!!!!
I would like to have 2-3 levels on my game and make the game very colorful.Our game presentation is due next week and we have to make a power point of our game.My partner (Amber) is doing level one and I (Angel) am doing level two. I am halfway through making level two.
My other New Year's resolution in Globaloria Class is to try to win the game and to keep an A average in this class. Even though Amber and I have faced difficulties in flash we have asked each other for help and if we can't help each other than we ask Mrs.Barker for help!!!!!
So even though we have trouble in this class we still try our best to get it done on time!!!So if you have trouble in life don't give up just make it your New Year's Resolution to try and don't ever give up!!!!!!!!
The website that I got the glitterfied pictures is........... http://www.glitterfy.com/glitter-words.php
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